Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Arriving in Ecuador

Photo Of The Day ~ Ecuador Day 1

The Virgin of the America's watches over the sleeping city of Quito.  

We are comforted with this view from the window of our hotel room, as we lay our weary traveler's heads on our pillows in the wee hours of the morning after a mere 22 hours of traveling and a harrowing taxi ride from the airport.  

Three lanes of traffic are striped for each way, but evidently these are just a suggestion.  This guy drove it like a race track, taking the inside lane on every curve down that mountainside, swerving across all three whenever it suited him.  Driving 140 KPH when the posted speed limit was 80 KPH.  My favorite, though, was when he slammed on the brakes and backed up on the freeway. 
(For what?!?  Are we about to be robbed???  No, he just missed the exit.)

My initial impressions were:  Lots of cops and dogs.  Lots.  Police everywhere, all running their lights.  (No sirens, not making any stops, just running their lights to advertise their presence as if to say, "Don't even think about it, buddy. 
I'm right here and I'll get 'cha".

And stray dogs everywhere you look.  

So it was very pleasant when we opened our blinds for a peek as we arrived at 2AM, to be greeted by this beautiful mystical statue of the Virgin Mary, 
enhanced with angelic-like wings, standing watch over the city below, 
on this night as on hundreds before.

And I laid my head on a most excellent feather pillow and slept well.


  1. Beautiful picture after the Mr. Toads wild ride into the city! Love to hear of all your travels, Deon

  2. I love this picture! Your cab ride sounds like a thrilling way to arrive at your gorgeous hotel,

  3. Amazing picture!


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